I've posted something like this before. But it's been a year or more, so it's time for this topic to resurface.
My mom called me Sh*tbird. I don't remember when this started, but I do have what I think is an amusing story about my nickname. I was working at my first "real" job after college. We were at a computer trade show in Vegas, and I had told my fellow marketing/technical marketing folks about my nickname. Well, I was waiting on my mom to show up to visit with me in Las Vegas. She was to meet me at the Tivoli booth. Wouldn't you know it; she showed up while I took a quick bathroom break. Anyway, she walked into the booth, obviously not a techie, and several guys asked her, "Are you Sh*tbird's mom?" OK, maybe you had to be there to get the humor of the situation. I know, it sounds like a derogatory nickname, but it's out of love, I assure you. It's just part of the twisted and vulgar humor my mom and I share.
I too have nicknames for my boys. Not nearly as crude; I'm sure DH (dear hubby) wouldn't let me. :)
Jackson is #1 or Jack Sprat. I doubt that'll last too much longer with him being a teenager now. Grayson is just #2, Gray, or G. Ben will call him G. I'll call him my baby, even though he's the middle child. Hudson, now 8, has really outgrown his nickname of Huddy Poo, but I just can't help myself. And with G/Gray as the exception, Mommy is the only one allowed to use these nicknames! (Per the kids' choice too.)
My daddy called Jackson "Short Stuff." (If you know Jackson, you know why.) He called Grayson "Cinqo" because he was born on May 5th, and he was my dad's 5th grandchild. And lastly, he called Hudson "Big Time." Not really sure of the origin of Hudson's nickname, but it does fit him, especially on the soccer field. He definitely does not play the game like he's a little guy.
I'll keep to myself the nicknames I call DH/Ben. I wouldn't want to embarrass him. :)
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