Post a picture of somewhere you'd like to travel.
How do you narrow your dreams down to one picture? I guess that's part of this month-long photo challenge. So I suppose I'll just lay it all out here for you. Like Rebecca said, I'd love to visit Australia. I can't wait to embark upon an Alaskan cruise someday. I've already posted a picture of the South Pacific islands. I've been to Italy; it was awesome. I do want to return someday. I would love to go to Greece. More locally, I have never been to our nation's capitol (is that capitol with an O or an A?). I'd like to go in springtime when the cherry blossom trees are in bloom. And, lastly, I've never seen the leaves change during fall in the Northeast.
I think I've decided, however. The first, and longest, dream travel location of mine is ... New England. I wanted to get married in the month of October so we could honeymoon during the fall in Vermont or New Hampshire. (Logistically this didn't work out; we got married in August.) I've just ALWAYS wanted to go up there, stay in little B&Bs like on the Newhart show from the 80s, and just drive around to antique shops, without a care in the world, apple picking with other couples. Yes, I've seen the leaves change in the Ozark Mountains. I've seen the color of North Carolina in the fall, and it's probably similar. But NOT in my mind. So New England it is.
Real maple syrup. Hot apple cider. Curling up by the fire. It's giving me the itch to book a trip (sans kids) on Expedia.