I'm going to try to keep up with, not the Joneses, but with Rebecca's 30-day picture challenge.
That's me wearing the white hat and the brightly designed shirt, sitting on the Spanish Steps in Rome.
And 10 fun facts about myself. (Well, whose definition of "fun" should I use? Hmm.)
1. My maiden name is Good. Which most of you know. I had a very hard time deciding whether or not to still use my Good name when I got married. I knew I didn't want 2 last names or a hyphenated last name, but I considered changing my middle name from my birth middle name (Dawn) to my maiden name (Good). Then I thought about how I would fill out tax forms where it asks for first, middle, last, and maiden names. Would I put Kimberly Good Williams Good or Kimberly Dawn Williams Good. That just made it too confusing (and, yes, I overthought it way too much). So I landed on just Kimberly Dawn Williams as my official name (and official in this case was determined by what is on my social security card).
2. I'm usually a stickler for grammar. But not in online writings, for some bizarre reason. So, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc. let me off the hook and be casual, I suppose. I often break tense or confuse verb tenses in my online writing, but it doesn't bother me like it does in thank you notes, letters, papers, essays, applications, etc. (I was tested on the entirety of the AP Style guide in college, letter by letter.)
3. I married my college sweetheart 15 1/2 years ago. We met the first day of school, in Calculus (Dr. Schelter's class at UT). We began doing homework together after a couple of weeks, and had our first date on a Saturday night, Sept. 28, 1991. (I had just broken up with my high school boyfriend of 1 1/2 years the Thursday before too.)
4. I have 3 boys. That's obvious to anyone who knows me. What isn't well known is that if it hadn't been for my pregnancy troubles with the last one, we were considering having a 4th child. Not necessarily to try for "the girl," but just to have a big family. Nowadays I look back and can't believe I ever entertained the notion of 4 kiddos. Most days, 3 is more than a handful!
5. My parents divorced when I was only 6 months old. I never knew them as a couple. I often ask my mom "what did you 2 even have in common or what brought you together?" I cannot picture the 2 of them together, romantically.
6. I love my hubby more than anything else. More than my kids, more than my mom, more than myself. I'm not sure that's the way it's supposed to be, and maybe I'm a little (or a lot) codependent, but it is what it is.
7. I used to be thin. In fact, most of my life I was. Up until about 6 years ago or so. Blame it on the 30s. Blame it on lack of exercise. Blame it on my diet. But mostly blame it on medication. (Yes, I am still in control of what I look like. And, yes, I could do something about it if I were so motivated. I understand that.)
8. I am bipolar, depressive. With anxiety. Don't care to elaborate right now.
9. I'm nosy.
10. I began cussing in 4th grade. I wonder why I remember the timing of that.