Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The need to brag

My youngest, Hudson, age 6, amazed me yet again. This time with his mathematical skills. We were working on my 9 year old's homework. He had a math problem such as this: You have a calculator; the 5 key is broken; you can't add or subtract. Name 4 different ways to get the number 55. Grayson and I sat dumbfounded for a couple of minutes when Hudson piped in with "how about 110 divided by 2?" Amazing. Only 6, and he already gets it. And faster than either his mom or brother could. Most of the kids in his class can barely add, and here he is doing somewhat complicated division. I'm impressed and felt the need to brag on him.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What - no president?

Did you hear that Obama flubbed the presidential oath? That means we were technically a nation without a president for a brief moment in time since Bush had already "moved on." I'm not saying it was Obama's fault - it was a combo of him and the chief justice, but what a major error for our country. Yikes! What if no one had noticed? I know, that's not possible in our media-saturated country. But still, the possible consequences. And to think I was clueless until my lovely hubby informed me. Guess I better tune in a little better.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cardinals or Eagles?

Well, the Eagles are big rivals of the Cowboys, so I can't cheer for them. But the Arizona Cardinals??? They're not a real team. But if I have to pick one, I guess I'll choose the Cardinals. Right?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Is it passe to be a Republican?

OK, the inauguration is just a few days away, and I feel alienated because I didn't vote for Obama. That doesn't mean I think McCain was the best choice either. But I'm just sick of Obama this, Obama that. And he hasn't even taken office yet. Does that make me a bad person? A bad American? Can't we just look at it as another president? Do we have to focus on the fact that he's black? I just don't know what to feel.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Something something ... it's always something

I haven't posted in a few days, and I thought it was about time. The kids have been killing me this week. One whines, the other one fights, another's asthma is acting up, they're yelling at the 5 year old across the street and let's not forget the ER visit this week. And school just started back on Tuesday.

Not to mention science fair projects and English projects due - oh yeah, mom such and such is due tomorrow. Aaahhh! I'm losing my mind.

Then to top it off, Ben and I have been at each other's throats. What a way to ring in the new year. The good news is Ben and I have made up, but the kids were threatened with their lives this afternoon on a boys-only trip to Best Buy. Ah, the peace and quiet for Mom.

We began taking down the Christmas decorations (I know, finally) today. The tree is all wrapped up. But the little doo-dads are still milling about. And somehow the corner in the garage carved out especially for the Christmas boxes has disappeared. But the garage is Ben's domain and his responsibility to fit all this stuff back in there. Now I have a blank wall again - in the pond room. Just ask me about that if you don't know what I'm talking about.

Happy New Year to all. I hope ours gets better. I don't think it can get much worse. Did I mention my mother-in-law fell and needed stitches?? Yep, welcome 2009.

Monday, January 5, 2009

What's in a name?

Rebecca inspired me to come up with a new blog name. I don’t know what yet. Any suggestions?

I’m a dedicated, true blue Dallas Cowboys fan. #11 Danny White is my hero. I’m an only child. I like grammar and alliteration. I’m the mom of 3 boys. I am a shopaholic. Nothing comes to mind based on those facts, though. I have an idea for a baby blanket design and patent; I even have the name – Snug as a Bug. My maiden name is Good so I also use the phrase “used to be good.” I’ve even used this as an email address before. And I’m also known as “negative eddy wife” since Ben owns and uses the negative eddy name/logo everywhere. (I even got him a hat and ornament that have the negative eddy logo – see for a picture of his logo (it's the swirly thing).)

One of these days inspiration will come. Till then, it’s Kim’s Little Corner of the World.

I too have partaken in some post-Christmas 2008 shopping for Christmas 2009. Mostly purchased wrapping supplies although I did get myself a Cowboys Santa hat. Can’t stay away from those sales! I also helped my in-laws move across the pasture yesterday. I'm not sure how much help I was. I think I entertained the kids and Grandmother more than actual moving. But somebody has to do that, right?

Next on my to do list is to download some MP3s from Amazon and to hit Decorator's Warehouse for after-Christmas sales tomorrow when the kids go back to school.

'Nuff 4 now.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Update on Grayson & Happy 2009

he's doing remarkably well. no pain, no pain meds, no more nausea. taking his saline nasal washes like a champ. (doesn't that sound pleasant?) he's even going to a friend's birthday party this afternoon (just for the cake and ice cream, though).

happy new year to all. can't believe it's 2009. i've already written a check with the new year on it. kids don't go back to school until tuesday. not sure what happened to monday. teacher in-service day or something. we stayed in on NYE, as you can imagine with Grayson having surgery and what not. haven't even watched a parade or bowl game either. maybe it's because i didn't eat any black-eyed peas. :)