Monday, July 13, 2009

What I like about being a mommy ...

that new baby smell; the first time they saw mama; the first time they SAY mommy; when they run to you and no one else when they're hurt or scared; knowing i'll have grandchildren someday to swing with on the front porch; making homemade halloween costumes; swaddling; that first real night they sleep through the night, and i don't mean just from midnight til 6 am, i mean a good 12 hour sleep; getting a backrub on command (they don't know it's really a massage); having gained wisdom; being an "expert" on babies, especially fussy, asthmatic ones; having the wisdom to know when to follow your gut instinct rather than the doctor's "advice"; snuggling; kisses; tickle fights; choosing my child's moniker; taking pictures of the cutest kids on the planet; getting away for a weekend refresher now and then; spoiling them ... these are just a few of my favorite things. :)