Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me

A little song for me ... happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear me, happy birthday to me. :)

I'm now 35. That puts me in a different age bracket for the census and most surveys as well. And I'm now only 1 year younger than my dear hubby. (He's 36, in case you have a problem with the math.)

I am truly blessed. 3 mostly healthy children. 1 wonderful husband. Great extended family as well. I got a bunch of my favorite flowers this week - tulips. And I got a new car (my lease was up, but still). It not only has seat warmers but has seat coolers for those hot Texas summers. A little excessive, yes, but still cool. No pun intended. Or maybe slightly intentional.

Now, to decide on where to go for dinner tonight. Hmm.