Friday, March 11, 2011

Challenge - Day 25

Post a picture of your day.

I'll call this post "Mom's Taxi Service."

I spend a lot of time in my car, or SUV or land yacht or big o' truck, as you might call it. With 3 boys in 2 different schools (3 different schools beginning next fall), I drive some or all of them there. With 3 soccer practices weekly, usually all on Thursdays, I drive there and back. Don't forget soccer games, usually on the weekend, but some week-night games too. Then there are the numerous doctor appointments we can't seem to get out from under. And back home again. Now, throw in a Target or Walmart trip, mix it with a little Kohl's or the mall, and don't forget my trips to Sonic, and you've got my day. (And I almost left off Tom Thumb/Kroger.)

By the way, I love my big SUV. Yes, it's a gas guzzler. Yes, it can be a pain to park. But, it's roomy. It can fit all the soccer gear or $250 worth of groceries. It doesn't crunch the corner of science fair boards, either. The only thing I'd change is the color. Burnt orange! Go UT!

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