Saturday, March 28, 2009

It's been too long

My goal in blogging ... well, I actually had a couple of goals ... but one of them was to help me chronicle the year as it occurs. If I don't stay on top of this, then I'm failing at my initial task. Hence, it's been too long since my last post.

Nothing really new to report. Went to see my mom for spring break. That was a handful. Just me and the kids. Did get to go fishing. Caught 7 or so trout. Still wouldn't unhook the squirmy little fishies from my line. (I'm such a girl.) But 7 fish does help justify the $23, 3-day fishing license. Hudson wouldn't fish. Grayson caught 1, and that was enough for him. Jackson caught several. Some dispute on exactly how many.

Glad to return home. (Not sure why I'm missing my nouns/subjects now. Lazy, I suppose.)

Glad to be back in the routine of school. It's hard to believe summer is just around the corner. Already have one weekend trip planned this summer. Trying to decide as a family if we're going anywhere else this summer. My weekend trip is just me. Also, have a "just me" trip to NC planned for the fall. Awaiting dates on that one. :) Trying to decide on a ski trip for next spring break. The whole clan. Quite an undertaking. But sounds fun. Lots of possibilities ....

I've also spent the last few days planning birthday parties for #s 2 and 3. Boy, they're expensive. You can't hardly plan an event party without it costing less than $200-$300. But it beats Chuck E. Cheese's. (That's where H's birthday parties have been the past 2-3 years.) And G is Mr. Social Butterfly and has the whole world to invite. Yikes, kids are expensive. :) But I suppose, they're worth it. Ha Ha!

Lastly, I'll post about the pool. This will be our first summer with it. (It wasn't finished until September last year.) It's been green the past week or 2. Ben has spent every day measuring and pouring chemicals into it. Finally, shocked it earlier this week. AND IT'S FINALLY BLUE AGAIN! Of course, today it's 38 degrees outside. When just a few days ago it was 80. Ah, the Texas weather.

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