Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy Holidays

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ... or Hanukkah depending on your neighborhood. My neighbors' Hanukkah decorations have everyone on the block beat. Multiple inflatables, signs, etc. I haven't even hung my wreath on the front door. But I did get some specially carved snowmen for every member of the family, handmade by Melvin and delivered today. There's even one for Boo, our Miniature Schnauzer.

I love this time of year. I keep thinking that my shopping is done, but then I go out and buy more stuff. I really think I'm pretty much done now. I think. As usual, I've overdone it. I think. But I've had fun, and I enjoy giving. And receiving. Not sure which I like more. :)

I sent out my Christmas cards yesterday. So I'm pretty psyched that that task is done. Stickers, stamps, stuffing, labels. But I did hand-address the cards this year. Not that anyone will notice (or they will now), but I thought that was a nice touch.

If I don't blog before next year, I hope everyone has a happy holiday season. The boys will be out of school for two and a half weeks. Not sure if that's good or not. :) We'll have fun, though, especially if the weather cooperates.

On another note. Pray for Ben. He is having minor surgery on January 4th. General anesthesia, though. Message me or email me for more details if you're interested.

Merry Holidays and Happy Christmas!
Kim & family

Friday, December 4, 2009

Dear Santa ...

Ahead ... 99% of the presents are purchased and wrapped. Tree is trimmed. Secondary, smaller tree is up (notice I didn't say it was decorated.) Teacher's gifts - done. PTA gift - done. Christmas cards done. (Just need to send them out.) Popcorn?? Still deciding. I know that means absolutely nothing to most people reading this. It's more of a reminder to myself.

Behind ... Advent calendar that I was going to make isn't done. Haven't even started. The "household," including outdoor, decorations aren't up. The house isn't clean. Christmas baking is on hold while I figure out who and what go in this column of activities/duties.

So, maybe I'm batting .500. Maybe a little less.

It snowed the other day. It would be nice if it would snow on Christmas. Although considering we do some driving around Christmas, maybe that's not such a great wish. I'm fighting a cold as well. Had to cancel a dental appointment that takes months to make. Oh well. You do what you can, right?

I love this time of year, though. The advent calendar was going to help me be organized over the holidays too. Like, I want to drive around and see Christmas lights. We usually don't take the time for this. Going to make it a point to this year. We went to the Gaylord Texan's "ICE" exhibit last year. Trying to decide whether to go again this year. It's still the same basic concept (tons of ice) but different carvings and characters. Got some good pics last year. And I do love me my pics.

It has been sad this fall season with the absence of both Daddy & Harry, and their birthdays and death anniversaries. But I seem to get by. I have a wonderful, beautiful family with me here on Earth. And a new nephew to join the bunch. That makes 2 nephews named Mark. Odd coincidence, considering it's not THAT popular of a name.

Contemplating New Year's resolutions - already. Didn't say I was doing them or not doing them, just beginning to think about it.

Well, this was pretty all over the place, but way over due. I finally wanted to get something down, though. Merry Christmas! Happy Hannukah! Happy New Year! If I don't post before then.

Much love,